St. Peter's Catholic Cemetery in Reading, Pennsylvania; burial site of John George Repplier, Sr. and Catharine Allgaier Repplier
John George Repplier, Sr. was born January 1, 1766 in the city of Strasbourg, in the Alsace-Lorraine region of France. He emigrated to the city of Philadelphia sometime around 1790. In 1801 He married Catherine Allgaier. They had four sons and four daughters who survived into adulthood. Today, over 200 years later, there are surprisingly few Reppliers (less than 50) in North America. It is believed that anyone having the Repplier name in North America from that time up to the present day is a descendant of this couple. Of course, there are many more descendents who could be traced through female Reppliers who changed their name when they married. It is unknown whether the name Repplier exists in France in the present day. It is possible that the name was altered from a similar sounding name to Repplier when John George Repplier, Sr. arrived in America. However according to the George Stewart Stokes book, Agnes Repplier, Lady of Letters (University of Pennsylvania Press 1949), "in all Agnes Repplier's reading and in all her traveling she came upon the Repplier name only once - and that, ironically enough, over a barber shop ...somewhere in France".
This website is an attempt to disseminate and gather more information about the Repplier name. Please feel free to get in touch with me if you have any comments or information to share.
- David Repplier Hanson email: Please sign the Repplier Family guestbook